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Property Managers

Hive is built for property managers to spend less time emailing, calling, and searching for information and more time managing your properties. Whether you’re working from the office, home, or field, Hive helps you easily manage your properties from anywhere.


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Streamline Work Orders

Work orders are inevitable but they don’t need to take up a lot of your time. With Hive, tenants can submit work orders and you can track them all in one location.

Features (Streamline Work Orders)

Organize Vendors

Hive enables you to organize and view vendor information on any property. You can add as many as you need and assign them to categories.

Feature (Organize Vendors) 2

Manage Leases

Hive centralizes all of your property, contact, vendor, and lease information in one place so you always have access to the information you need. Even on the go.

Feature (Manage Leases) 2

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